Friday, 16 November 2012

Week 13: light at the end of a tunnel


its the last day of school, and so much has happened this semester. alot of times, i ask myself why am i doing the things that i'm doing. and my answer is always because of commitment and responsibility. taking this module means putting in my 100%, and even if this 100% is nothing compared to a percentage of any other of my classmates, thats something which i cannot push myself beyond.
there's a lot of things that i've learnt from this module, some self - discovery and crossing out of things which i shouldn't spend my time on anymore.
being a front-end developer has its set of challenges and the x factor which differentiates between good and best. many people have different opinions on what is better and its not just within the group, externally too. i actually see layouts in a different way now. i have started to notice details like the framing, shadows, colour schemes, element arrangement, and animation effects. i realise that if i don't have any good creative ideas myself, i can always look elsewhere for inspiration. but of course, keeping the design consistent.
working with my final project group members: it was entertaining, encouraging and educational all rolled into one. i heard life stories, lessons learnt and plenty of good advice. we laughed together, we laughed at each other. (tongue twisters - super rofl) staying up and camping in school till 2-3am didn't feel anything like torture. but of course, when the fatigue sets in... nothing can prevent that. being a highly strung up person, i learnt more to take things in my stride and let go of things that will never be. soon, in a few days, this will be all over and in a month, we will be spread across 3 different countries. i will still carry the fun memories we had as a team together :') of course, we will be following up with our clients to finish up, negotiate and deliver the product to them.

perhaps i shall call this post part 1 of the last reflection. look out for part 2 in a few days time!

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PEl Yl
NUS Computer Engineering '14
Loves pet hamster Rosky