Friday, 16 November 2012

Week 13: light at the end of a tunnel


its the last day of school, and so much has happened this semester. alot of times, i ask myself why am i doing the things that i'm doing. and my answer is always because of commitment and responsibility. taking this module means putting in my 100%, and even if this 100% is nothing compared to a percentage of any other of my classmates, thats something which i cannot push myself beyond.
there's a lot of things that i've learnt from this module, some self - discovery and crossing out of things which i shouldn't spend my time on anymore.
being a front-end developer has its set of challenges and the x factor which differentiates between good and best. many people have different opinions on what is better and its not just within the group, externally too. i actually see layouts in a different way now. i have started to notice details like the framing, shadows, colour schemes, element arrangement, and animation effects. i realise that if i don't have any good creative ideas myself, i can always look elsewhere for inspiration. but of course, keeping the design consistent.
working with my final project group members: it was entertaining, encouraging and educational all rolled into one. i heard life stories, lessons learnt and plenty of good advice. we laughed together, we laughed at each other. (tongue twisters - super rofl) staying up and camping in school till 2-3am didn't feel anything like torture. but of course, when the fatigue sets in... nothing can prevent that. being a highly strung up person, i learnt more to take things in my stride and let go of things that will never be. soon, in a few days, this will be all over and in a month, we will be spread across 3 different countries. i will still carry the fun memories we had as a team together :') of course, we will be following up with our clients to finish up, negotiate and deliver the product to them.

perhaps i shall call this post part 1 of the last reflection. look out for part 2 in a few days time!

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Week 11: what day is it today?

Hey what day is it today?

I have no sense of my days and hours anymore.

Rushing for the final project this week, getting bugs fixed and having new features which were requested by the client. If we can do this right, the game is won. We must satisfy the client.

I think that the aesthetic design needs some spice and yet I still have to meddle with the more important features first. Everyone always judges the app based on the UI first though, and even if the functionality is rock solid, the impression is always based on the aesthetic design.

Here the same problem haunts me where I am not specialised enough to excel in one area. I learn a little bit of everything and dabble here and there with codes, image editing software and such. But in the end, it all becomes very mediocre. Can creativity and eye for design be trained? I think its possible, especially if I expose myself to other people's work. Start noticing the things that make the difference. That factor. Tutorials? Maybe, but that won't go too far, just a kick start.

I think the preschool children are just ultra cute :3 I was managing their accounts using the admin interface. Their bright cheerful faces in the photos just make me feel fuzzy wuzzy warm (: wouldn't it be nice if I get to interact with them.. Unlikely though ): the app is for parents and teachers.

I need some sleep, will be getting some now!

PEl Yl
NUS Computer Engineering '14
Loves pet hamster Rosky