Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Week 8: a visit to wonderland

My group is working together with Between 2 Trees preschool! We exchanged lots of emails and also sent our proposal to them. Today, we went to visit them at their location!

The place looks really nice and I really love the concept of their company.


We had much things to discuss. As we exchanged emails beforehand, I could sense that they had a different understanding from us. Before the meeting, we had a whole set of questions to discuss. Our clients have quite a clear idea of what they wanted.

In the meeting, there was a teacher present so that she could feedback on user experience. We were also assured that they would invite at least a parent and teacher to try out our app to give more feedback when we complete the minimal working version. I could sense their excitement throughout because this idea is something that they would really want to use and also even push out to other organisations with similar needs.

We discussed issues like privacy of children's photos. There is a trade-off between the social media sharing and privacy. The question is - do we want to allow parents to share picture updates of their children on Facebook which might compromise the privacy of the child?

We also took time to explain some technical aspects of the project during the meeting. Actually, its not very important for those details to be discussed. However, our clients were quite happy to gain some extra technical knowledge. They even (cheekily) asked us what API stands for - like a test!

Overall, I feel that the meeting was effective. There were a few points that they needed to discuss among themselves before they revert back to us. We need to re-arrange our wireframe now so that the interface will fit into a mobile interface.

Lesson yesterday:

The Facebook guy came and gave us a talk which covered many things at one go. He dropped a few names of apps which became very successful and also elaborated on what were the ingredients of their success. One of which, is timing. The more I think about it, I think windows 8 development should be seriously considered as the timing is right. The Facebook guy encouraged us to "move fast", and he also cited his previous company a few times to illustrate the consequences of being slow to react to new technology. If we keep "moving fast", then we will always be learning new things and throwing away the old. Just like how i feel like throwing my current phone away and buying a new one.

The second talk is by Sharifah from K2 Associates. She gave a few examples and snapshots of how we can organize information in a constructive way. During elections, information posted by the general public will help politicians to get a feel of the public's response to their campaigns. In anticipation of the future talks which will continue to lead into this topic.

-Pei Yi

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PEl Yl
NUS Computer Engineering '14
Loves pet hamster Rosky