Monday, 22 October 2012

Week 10: Scalability

Today's talk covered so much breadth, it was quite a lot to take in. For the topics that I have some background knowledge in, they were easy to understand, but for those that I have never heard of, I felt quite lost.

I like how the speaker linked back to his real life experiences from his presentation. And it was also very entertaining because we as NUS students are the users and have used CORS. Finally I get to see someone in real life who is behind all the magic that goes behind the scenes of CORS. Also there was plenty of discussions about fire in NUS.

Just a short summary of what I've picked up from the lecture (purely from memory!)

1. no data, no talk
2. random tuning
When there's problems happening, the last thing we want is to be accused of something that we are not responsible for. We also shouldn't be quick to point fingers at other parties before examining the evidence (data) We know that there are tools which will objectively produce data that can determine which component is underperforming.

3. ajax requests overloading the server
at the application side, we need to think about how we can optimize some operations to prevent unnecessary loading of servers.

4. to use commercial cloud services or to host on your own server
some restrictions like privacy will render no choice. but for other cases, this is a decision that requires a lot of careful planning. However, i feel that using commercial cloud services will outsource the expertise very well.

1 comment:

  1. Zit Seng and the entire team of SoC programmers are really good at what they do. That's why SoC has the best IT Unit in the whole of NUS. :D

    He was a kind of mini-celebrity when I was a freshman, because bulletin board systems (BBS) and FideoNet were very big then, and he wrote his own suite of FidoNet software.



PEl Yl
NUS Computer Engineering '14
Loves pet hamster Rosky