Friday, 31 August 2012

Week 3: every detail counts

Earlier in the week, I realised one lesson:  if I see any form of bug in my code, I need to take note and write it down to address it.

In the midst of rushing for time, I didn't check if the user authentication was working. Fortunately, the thought came into my mind to test it out and to my horror, I (again) rushed to fix it.

Also, while using Facebook's Javascript SDK, I referred to the documentation at the Facebook developer's app. When I started speed reading and doing CTRL F, I compromised on my understanding of how some APIs work. From that, I wasted still some precious time reading stack overflow and trying to figure if some forum threads are talking about the same problems as I'm facing. I could have saved the time if I read the official documentation more clearly ):

Working with my group: everyone in the group is really contributing so much, especially when we are a 3 member team. My group member encourages us very often, and this kept me grounded. I guess I have to admit that I'm still an emotional worker and not made of solid steel that can perform optimally in every situation. This module un-subtle-ly teaches stress management - working under pressure.

I won't die now, not yet.

Second assignment! Its great to meet my new group, and the ideas seemed to flow well as we were storyboarding our presentation. The app that we are doing a presentation on is Color. I think its interface is really good for a mobile app, not like those that crams everything unnecessary at once and has adverts as well. It was fun also playing with the app as we "visited" each other and requested each other for a broadcast. (:

~Pei Yi

1 comment:

  1. Take heart, I think we all mess up when we're in a serious hurry. :) Given the very short deadlines it's also a little hard for you to go through tutorials etc to fully learn the APIs.

    In any case the FB assignment is really a dry-run. The real thing will be your final project, and by then you'll be proficient at the APIs. :)

    BTW I like Kinect too, but I'm interested in using it for obstacle avoidance for my UAVs. :p They're too slow and short-ranged for fixed winged UAVs flying at 40-60 km/h, but Kinects are fine for my slow slow quadrotors (which can also stop or change directions instantly)



PEl Yl
NUS Computer Engineering '14
Loves pet hamster Rosky